Tired of traditional breakfast juices? Looking for something flavorful to add to your favorite mixers or spirits? Interested in finding something different to complement your afternoon snack? Pomegranate juice is a delicious alternative to your tried-and-true orange and apple juices.
Both tart and slightly sweet, pomegranate juice has an unmistakable flavor that can be enjoyed with breakfast, brunch or even on its own as an alternative to soft drinks. This bright red beverage is so versatile and refreshing that people love to drink it right out of the bottle, over seltzer and ice or mixed in with a favorite cocktail recipe.
And, pomegranate juice can offer benefits for the body since each glass is packed with Vitamin C and immune-boosting antioxidants. But don't just take our word for it. Try a glass for yourself!
Well-known brands like Pom Wonderful and V8 offer several pomegranate juice varieties, from original to mixed fruit flavors. Shop your neighborhood Carrs or visit us online to stock up on family-pleasing pomegranate juice today.