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About Us
Always Changing for the Better
Pioneer Spirits
Before there was Carrs,there was J.B. Gottstein & Company. Way back in 1915, when Anchorage was still a roughhewntown of sawmills, blacksmith shops and saloons, J.B. Gottstein began supplying groceriesand other staples to Alaskans—which today, makes ourcompany the oldest businessin Alaska. In 1949, just one generation later, J.B.'s son Barney, fresh out of school, assumed management of the company. Barney began expanding it into the region's largest wholesale grocery distribution center. One of Barney's early customers was Larry Carr. Larry had moved to Anchorage in 1947, with the intentionto just make enough money to returnhome to Southern California. But by1950,he’dopened a quonset hut grocery store on Gambell Street, which proved to be an immediate success. Larry now called Alaska home.
Growing with Alaska
As Alaska took its place among the 50 states and itseconomy and population boomed,Barney Gottstein and Larry Carr's business dealings prospered. In 1974,the two companiesdecided to merge. Together, they doubled their retail grocery resources, their assets in drug stores and shopping centers, and their unique understanding of the needs of the Alaskan market. The mergermade the company the state's largestretail chain, with locations to support Alaskans throughout the state.
Carrs and the Community
Our company has always understood that our customers are our greatest asset. We frequently engage trained interviewers to ensure we’re keeping pace with the needs, attitudes, and shopping habits of our clientele. Carrs is committed to reaching out to the community we serve, donating over a million pounds of food annually to Alaskan non-profit organizations and centers of worship. Carrs is actively involved in dozens of community-centered programs—from the March of Dimes and the United Way to local hospitals and Little League teams. From our 1915 inception to the present day, Carrs is a deeply proud Alaskan company.
A Local Institution. A Legacy of Firsts
Following the merger, 60% of the entire Alaskan population lived within three miles of a Carrs store. The company maintains smaller-capacity outlying bush stores to serve shoppers in more remote locations, with the majority of storefronts comprised of larger supermarket/drugstore combinations serving the Fairbanks, Anchorage and Kenai Peninsula metro areas. Throughout the years, Carrs has maintained its position as Alaska’s preferred grocery source for the freshest produce and meat at competitive price points, with first-class customer service and speedy checkouts. Carrs continues to upgrade services to meet customer needs, adding Alaska’s first 24-hour pharmacy, service delis and bakeries with soup and salad bars, 59-minute photo processing, and in-store banking to our service roster.
Carrs Today—And Tomorrow
In 2014, parent company Acquisition LLC acquired Safeway, with whom Carrs had merged in 1999, a transaction bringing all Albertsons stores under singular ownership and adding Carrs to the Albertsons roster of banners.
Allour stores—no matter under which banner they operate—were founded on the philosophy of offering customers the products they want at a fair price, with lots of tender, loving care. We still open our doors every day today with that core value in mind—and because of it, we run really great stores.
Read more about Albertsons Companies
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